ShiftKey Facilities

Whether you manage the schedule for multiple facilities or manage the schedule between delivering care, ShiftKey Facilities makes your job easier.

Enter your mobile number to download the app:

Phone Number*
*This is a one-time message, rates may apply.
Nurse counseling patient

Forget about finding time to return to your desk — now you can post shifts and accept shift requests in just a few taps.

Post a shift UI

Stop worrying about following up and start getting real-time reminders about PRN shift requests and upcoming shifts.

Notifications UI

Designed for on-the-go schedulers, ShiftKey Facilities was carefully crafted to help you streamline your workflow, optimize your time and fill PRN shifts with ease.

Schedule UI

Enhance quality of care, reduce staff burnout and grow census with ShiftKey technology.

Find out how ShiftKey can help you ditch CNA staffing agencies

Our technology collects feedback on every completed shift so you can prioritize reliability. You can also call or email professionals directly from the app and easily select your favorites with just a click.

Provider Details Shiftkey Facility App